Chat about climate change with the experts from Climate Outreach at Woodlands Community!
Join the Woodlands Community for a FREE interactive talk and workshop with Dr Chris Pollard from Climate Outreach. We’ll explore how to have conversations about climate change in daily life - with colleagues, friends, family or in your local community - in ways that resonate with people’s values, sense of identity and worldview.
This Talking Climate workshop is a product of an innovative piece of research that Climate Outreach delivered back in 2019 to understand the grounding principles for having great day-to-day climate change conversations. The workshop is for people who are keen to start constructive conversations about climate change in their own communities. The workshop represents the first serious attempt to provide evidence-based support to people who want to have great everyday conversations about climate change.
At the end of the session participants will be able to:
● Test different ways to normalise climate change into their everyday conversations.
● Find new ways to have influence and inspire action within their communities.
● Empathise with people struggling to connect with the climate crisis.
The aim of the workshop is to:
● Empower participants in having constructive and engaging climate change conversations in a variety of situations in day to day life with different audiences.
● Create a space for learning, feeding back and supporting each other on effective ways to have meaningful climate change conversations.
Woodlands Community Meeting Room, 66 Ashley Street Glasgow G3 6HW
How to book:
Book your space today via the Eventbrite link below
Talking Climate with Climate Outreach at Woodlands Community Tickets, Sun 9 Mar 2025 at 14:00 | Eventbrite