How-To Guide: Organising a Beach Clean

Our How-To Guides give detailed explanations of how you can organise your own events. With checklists, step-by-step examples, and posters for you to advertise, you’ll find everything you need to get your community cleaning up your local beach.


Gather your community together to collect rubbish from a local beach.


Litter being washed out to sea from landfills and rubbish bins gathers on our shores. If not cleaned up it can permanently end up in the ocean and can damage our marine life.

Download here now
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How-to Guide:
How-To: Organise a Beach Clean (1.9 MB)
Event Poster:
Beach Clean Poster (803.2 KB)

Have you used our beach clean How-To-GUide? HOw many pieces of litter did you pick up?

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  • 10-20
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