Home Challenge: Go Plastic-Free

Introducing our guide to helping you make your home plastic-free.


Learn how to swap your everyday plastic items for non-plastic items. This guide will take you through some easy swaps that you can make in your own home, involving your family. Choose what works best for your household and soon you will be a plastic-free warrior!


Plastics are everywhere. They pollute our oceans, kill our marine life and enter our food chains. Prolific plastic use is accelerating climate change and suffocating our planet. By making simple choices we can help curb the demand for plastics and reduce our plastic problem.

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Home Challenge: Go Plastic-Free (1.6 MB)

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Who has been adventurous enough to embark on their plastic-free adventure?!

I have made:

  • 1 swap
  • 2 swaps
  • 3 swaps
  • 4 swaps
  • 5 swaps
  • 6-10 swaps
  • 11-20 swaps
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Tell us about some of the swaps you made :arrow_down: