Future Leaders FREE Course for 20 - 30 year olds

Are you between the ages of 20-30 and have a passion for making a difference for people, landscapes and nature? Then why not become part of Campaigns for National Park’s Future Leaders in their free course for young people! :camping: :hiking_boot: :earth_americas:

This course is for young people aged 20-30 (inclusive), who want to make a difference – for National Parks, landscapes, nature and people. The course has been developed with young people and focuses on supporting you advance as a next generation leader and change-maker.

This experiential course includes practical skills, such as storytelling and communications; theoretical skills such as leadership styles and team working; a focus on equity and social justice for all and a reflective course of activities to inspire future leaders. The course will provide the opportunity to hone these skills and put them to practice influencing National Park decision makers. Through the course, you will learn in some of our most amazing landscapes, supported by a peer group of like-minded brilliant young leaders, and learn from some of the most effective change-makers in the UK today.

Applications for the next course are now open and close Sunday 23 February.

How to apply:

Please download and read through the information pack below carefully, you will then need to fill in the application form (you can’t save your progress so you will need to complete the application in one go). You then be asked some questions about yourself and your travel plans, and three questions to find out more about why you want to come on the course.

Those questions are:

  1. Tell us what you hope to learn on the course, and how this would make a difference in your
    life (e.g. personally and/or professionally). Max 250 words.
  2. Who is a leader or change-maker who inspires you, and why? Max 250 words
  3. If you could create a mini-campaign or influence for change in National Parks – what would
    it look like and why? (Max 250 words)

If you’d rather record a video of yourself answering these questions, you can do so and email the video to info@cnp.org.uk. You will still need to fill in the rest of the application form online.

:link: Link to the application pack - NP-FLC-Info-Pack.pdf
:link: Link to the online application form - Campaign for National Parks New Perspectives Future Leaders Course application 2025 (Page 1 of 5)

For more information on the course check out Campaign for National Parks website via the link below :link: :point_down:
Future Leaders Course - Campaign for National Parks

Good luck! :blush: :earth_americas: