Event Boards

Download our events board to use at your events whether in school or out of school. The treasure hunt to go with it is also below for download too if you wanted to print that off as a fun activity for your event.

With topics on fast fashion, the plastic problem, carbon sinks and dietary impacts, these event boards are the perfect addition to any environmental event you are organising.

Download here now
:green_heart: :point_down: :arrow_down: :point_down: :green_heart:
Festival Treasure Hunt Boards (6.2 MB)

Download the Treasure Hunt Pages Here:
:green_heart: :point_down: :arrow_down: :point_down: :green_heart:

Treasure Hunt Pages (628.9 KB)

Have you used our event boards to inform and inspire people?

How many people came to your event?

  • 1-10
  • 10-20
  • 20-30
  • 30-50
  • 50-100
  • 100-200
  • 200-300
  • 300-500
  • 500-1000
  • 1000-2000
  • 2000-5000
0 voters

We used the Event Boards for a Treasure Hunt Quiz as part of our Earth Day event. While we only had 7 entries on the day, we have sent a few copies of the quiz to each form, encouraging people to use the event boards around school to complete it. We really enjoyed using this fun but informative and interesting resource - thank you!