Conservation and Novel Ecosystems in a Changing Climate

Explore climate change impacts on species, ecosystems, and nature recovery in England’s future with the British Ecological Society! :evergreen_tree: :paw_prints: :chipmunk:

This event will ask what the novel ecosystems created by our changing climate will mean for how we practice, communicate and govern nature recovery in the future.

The workshop will open with an opportunity to settle in with some light refreshments. You will then hear presentations from invited speakers oriented towards facilitating break-out group discussion. There will then be plenty of time for group discussion and feedback before the opportunity to continue conversations nearby in a more informal setting.

:raising_hand_man: Who Should Attend? :raising_hand_woman:

British Ecological Society would love to attract a mixture of academics, policymakers, conservation practitioners and the wider interested public. Although prior knowledge will be beneficial during the breakout group discussions, the event is free to attend, and they welcome people from all career stages in the ecological community and beyond.

:world_map: Location :world_map: :

Reed Hall, Streatham Drive Exeter EX4 4QR

How to Book:

For more information and to book your place visit the website link below :link: :point_down:
Conservation and Novel Ecosystems in a Changing Climate Tickets, Thu 6 Feb 2025 at 12:30 | Eventbrite