Case Study: Bristol Food Network

Our case studies offer insights into the actions of inspiring individuals. These people are actively making changes and using their own initiative to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.


Bristol is on a mission to be a sustainable food city and is implementing a variety of different campaigns and projects all aimed at promoting good, local produce accessible for all. Find out how they are doing this and the positive impacts that they are having on food production in the area and how this is being replicated for a food revolution across the country.

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Case Study: Bristol Food Network (6.7 MB)

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Fascinating! I wonder what kind of support was given to local people to help them grow
some of their own food, maybe guidance or a space to grow in?
I’ve heard of community allotments before, which are a little similar to that idea, it’s quite good that they help promote growing your own produce while improving local community spirit.

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