🎥 Green Screen Youth Engagement Project! 🎥

Are you 16- to 25-year-olds and live in Penrith? Why not get involved with an exciting new film project! :movie_camera: :earth_americas:

Younger people are those most likely to be affected by climate change yet, often, their voices are often not heard and they are excluded from decision making.

This new project wants to work with younger people between 16 and 25 who live, work or study in Penrith to effectively “take over” Green Screen events. If this sounds like you, there are a number of ways you could get involved:

· Attend Green Screen events with some free tickets available.

· Choose and deliver 4 films for the Green Screen film series this year, building knowledge and understanding of climate change

· Engage speakers for panel discussions. Consider questions for the panel

· Develop publicity for events, developing media and communication skills.

· Be on a steering group for the project.

· Improve confidence in influencing decision making and taking action in our communities on environmental issues.

· Help produce a 5–10-minute film about climate related concerns and ideas for community action to screen at the cinema, on social media, in schools and community group settings.

:movie_camera: How to get involved :movie_camera: :

If you would like to get involved or get further information about this opportunity, please email: greenscreenpenrith@gmail.com